How Boy-Led Scouting Works in Troop 202
What does boy-led mean?  Will we turn your son loose to sink or swim in a new environment?

No!  The leaders are the older boys in the troop who -- with adult mentoring -- will teach and guide your son to learn how to camp, cook, tie knots, use tools, complete advancements, and so on.

Sometimes a boy-led meeting or activity is not as neat and efficient as an adult-run event.  In Scouting, our goal is teaching and instilling values, not necessarily doing everything with perfect results. 

You will see some of the natural cycles during a year in the troop.  Youth elections occur in the spring and fall.  Around the time the youth leaders become comfortable in their roles, it's time for a new group to take over.  This can be a little messy and uncomfortable for adults to observe.  If you have questions or concerns, please ask questions and talk to us.  Keep in mind that these older boys are only a few years older than your son, and in a few years your son will have an opportunity to try his hand at leading the troop. 

There are few youth programs that give a boy the tools and support to stretch himself as a leader like Scouting does.  He is able to take on challenges under adult mentoring, and to make mistakes in a safe environment.