Boy Scout Troop 202
Carmel, IN

Duty to God

A Scout is reverent.  Troop 202 Scouts fulfill their duty to God by living the Scout oath and law, practicing their faith, and incorporating time for prayer into their Scouting activities.

Religious Emblems
Faith Emblem Counselors Guidelines
Catholic Ad Altare Dei Mrs. Gormley
Mrs. Swift
Scouts must have finished 6th grade before beginning work on this emblem.
Catholic Pope Pius XII Mrs. Gormley
Mrs. Swift
This emblem is earned by high school age Scouts.
Catholic International Catholic Awareness Mrs. Gormley Boy Scouts of any age learn more about how Scouting and their faith are practiced around the world.
Christian God and Church Mr. Dziwlik Middle school aged Scouts work on this emblem.
Christian God and Life Mr. Dziwlik Older Scouts work on this emblem.
Hindu Dharma    Boy Scouts of any age may work on this emblem.

Chaplain Aide's Prayer And now, may the great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again.
Philmont Grace For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunities, for friendship and fellowship, we thank Thee, oh Lord.  Amen.
Wilderness Grace
(Northern Tier)
For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for sun and rain, for water and portage trails, for friendship and fellowship, we thank thee, oh Lord.  Amen.
Sea Base Grace Bless the creature of the sea,
Bless this person I call me,
Bless these Keys you made so grand,
Bless the sun that warms this land,
Bless the fellowship we feel,
As we gather for this meal.  Amen.
Summit Grace For this time and place,
for your goodness and grace,
for each friend we embrace,
we thank Thee, oh Lord.  Amen.
Superman Grace (sung, with arms overhead as Superman flying)
Thank you, Lord, for giving us food.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us food.
For the food we eat,
For the friends we meet,
Thank you, Lord, for giving us food!