Boy Scout Troop 202
Carmel, IN


Order of the Arrow NEWS

The Troop 202 Order of the Arrow election occurs in February.  See the Troop 202 Calendar for details.  The results of the election will remain confidential until the district Spring Camporee where the newly elected candidates will be "called out."  Following the call-out, a candidate must complete an Ordeal weekend in the current year.  If he fails to complete the Ordeal during this period of time, his candidacy ends and he must establish eligibility again in order to be placed on his Troop's ballot in a future year.  For additional news and information, see the Tahkwii Chitaneyo Chapter Order of the Arrow website.


Troop 202 hosts the Nimenees ("Seahawk") ceremonial team.  The team conducts various Order of the Arrow ceremonies, including Arrow of Light and Crossover.  If you are an OA member and are interested in joining the ceremonial team, please contact the Troop 202 OA Rep or the adult advisor at a troop meeting or attend a ceremonial team meeting. 

Order of the Arrow REFERENCE LIBRARY

If you are an Order of the Arrow member in Troop 202, see the troop OP Rep for instructions on how to access the troop's library of reference materials.

Order of the Arrow BACKGROUND

The Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of Scouting.  It was established to promote camping, brotherhood, and cheerful service.  A Scout is eligible to be on his Troop's election ballot if he has earned First Class rank, has completed at least fifteen nights of camping in the last two years (of which at least 5 but no more than 5 are summer camp or other long-term camp), and his Scoutmaster confirms that he actively participates in and serves his Troop.